UserProperties are the custom identifiers specific to a user on your platform that you must provide. These can be used to uniquely identify a user on your web application. Subsequently, the videos your user records can be uploaded to a unique directory on the cloud.
const UserProperties = {
userId: "userId",
bucketDir: "bucketDir",
fileName: "fileName",
thumbnailFileName: "thumbnailFileName",
timeLimit: timeLimit
Type: string
bucketDir is the dir path on your pre-configured storage bucket where you want the user video to be uploaded.
Example: In order to upload a video to a users' unique directory you can set the path as /teamId/userId/sx-videos/
Type: string
fileName is the name of the video you want to upload. WARNING: If you reuse the same fileName for different videos, the previous video will be overwritten.
Type: string
thumbnailFileName is the name of the thumbnail generated for the uploaded video.
Type: string
Default: By default this is set to timestamp-thumbnai.jpeg.
- If you reuse the same thumbnailFileName for different thumbnail, the previous thumbnail will be overwritten.
- No need to send file extension ex: thumbnailFileName : myThumbnail
Clients can set the configurable recording duration limit. Enter the time limit in seconds.
Type: int