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StoryXpress PlayerSDK

SX PlayerSDK is a Software Development Kit for the StoryXpress Player and Hosting APIs. It is structured as a JavaScript library which can be imported into any webpage, and exposes callbacks as a means of integrating with it.

Why use this​

Building any video application requires a complex backend infrastructure along with media processing components that can produce videos in a compatible format. Similarly, smooth and a customized playback experience of these videos is hard to deliver without a mature and established Video Player.

The PlayerSDK and its ecosystem allows for a depth of custom configuration that can help you integrate a video recording application directly on to your website. The application can be configured to match with your theme and storage requirements. Videos can be played back via both SX VideoIDs (for videos uploaded via StoryXpress APIs or SDKs) as well as custom Video URLs to play videos from any other source.

The SX PlayerSDK can be used out of the box, which means the full video playback stack runs directly on StoryXpress's Cloud Environment. You configure PlayerSDK with your Cloud Storage Bucket credentials to save the videos to your cloud. PlayerSDK currently supports both GCS and S3.

For a more custom solution, or cases where user data cannot leave your infrastructure, it is also possible to deploy the StoryXpress SDKs and its server-side API components to your own premises. Please contact us for more details on this mode of implementation.


With Storyxpress hosting​

Data Flow - with SX Hosting

Without Storyxpress hosting​

Data Flow - without SX Hosting

Getting Started​

Before the code

Before you can start using SX PlayerSDK on your website, the following configuration will have to be provided:

  • Your Cloud Storage Bucket Configuration, which includes
    • Bucket name
    • Service Account credentials with only write access to the bucket
    • ACLs/other headers to be included with the upload
    • For best practices regarding Bucket configuration and security against bucket abuse, refer to the #storage-policy section below.
  • List of authorized domains that can initiate a SX PlayerSDK Video Playback session

These parameters will be confgured on the StoryXpress backend, and a SX PlayerSDK CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET will be provided.


SX PlayerSDK currently supports all mobile and web browsers; Eg- Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozila, Safari etc are fully supported.