ProjectConfig allows for behavioural customization of the UX of the popup.
const ProjectConfig = {
locale: "en",
thumbnail: false,
gifThumbnail: false,
thumbnailPrivate: true,
Wisp: {
Recording mode that the user selects. It can return the following number values:
Code | Mode |
en | English |
fr | French |
es | Spanish |
pt | Portuguese |
Type: string
Defaults: en
Controls whether or not a JPEG thumbnail is generated from the first frame of the video after recording is finished. Thumbnail is uploaded to the same directory as the video.
Type: bool
Defaults: false
Controls whether or not a GIF thumbnail is generated from the first frame of the video after recording is finished. Thumbnail is uploaded to the same directory as the video.
Type: bool
Defaults: false
Controls whether or not thumbnail to be uploaded is a public or a private file.
Type: bool
Defaults: true
Allows you to set the custom wisp url (VIDEO_INGESTER URL).
Default url set to StoryXpress Wisp Url.
Type: string