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Webhook Payload Description​

This webhook payload is sent upon the completion of video editing tasks. It contains pertinent information regarding the processed video job. Below is a breakdown of the key components:

  • status: The HTTP status code of the response. In this case, 200 indicates a successful processing of the video job.

  • event: Specifies the event that triggered the webhook. In this instance, it is "job-processed", indicating that the video editing job has been successfully completed.

  • job_id: A unique identifier assigned to the video editing job. It is utilized for tracking and reference purposes.

  • file_name: The name of the edited video file. This is the name under which the processed video is saved.

  • bucket_dir: The directory path within the storage bucket where the edited video file is stored. It provides the location of the processed video for retrieval.

  • project_id: The identifier associated with the project to which the video editing job belongs. This helps in organizing and managing multiple video editing projects.

  • video_id: A unique identifier assigned to the edited video. It serves as a reference for the specific video within the system.

Upon receiving this webhook payload, appropriate actions can be taken, such as notifying users of the completed video editing task, updating project records, or triggering further automated processes based on the completion of the video editing job.

Sample Payload

"video_data": {
"status": 200,
"event": "job-processed",
"job_id": "lvqp_some_job_id_yd6",
"file_name": "filename.mp4",
"bucket_dir": "path/to/video",
"project_id": "d080cb335d8ed41f",
"video_id": "lvqp_some_vid_id_kz2o"