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Overlays is an object that contains the definitions of all content to be overlayed over the video during, before or after playback for the SX PlayerSDK.

Example of an overlay is given below:

const overlays = {
"id": 1659076400326,
"type": "banner",
"eventType": "",
"top": 39.66,
"left": 42.07,
"autoDim": true,
"width": 19.31,
"height": 16.83,
"displayText": "Hi $name",
"eventName": "Hi $name",
"url": "",
"color": "var(--sxcPrimary)",
"bg": "transparent",
"start": 0.521657,
"end": 84.700001,
"font": "italic bold 20px cursive",
"fontSize": 16,
"fontWeight": "normal",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"textAlign": "center",
"ctaPosition": "inside",
"widthpx": "102.93px",
"heightpx": "50.5px",
"useImage": false,
"targetSame": false,
"ctaType": "text",
Random number ID for the overlay element.

Type: number

Specifies the type of overlay element.

Type: string (enum)
Values: "button", "banner", "form"

Event type for custom event handlers.

Type: string

Custom event name.

Type: string

URL to redirect users to when clicked.

Type: string

Text to display on the overlay element.

Type: string

Start time (in seconds) to begin displaying the overlay.

Type: number

End time (in seconds) to stop displaying the overlay.

Type: number

Determines whether to use an image instead of HTML embed.

Type: bool

Width of the image to display. Only applicable if useImage is true.

Type: string

Height of the image to display. Only applicable if useImage is true.

Type: string

URL of the image to display. Only applicable if useImage is true.

Type: string

Top position of the overlay element (percentage).

Type: number

CSS Properties

Left position of the overlay element (percentage).

Type: number

CSS Properties

Width of the overlay element (percentage).

Type: number

CSS Properties

Height of the overlay element (percentage).

Type: number

CSS Properties

Text color of the overlay element.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Background color of the overlay element.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Font size of the overlay text.

Type: number

CSS Properties

Font weight of the overlay text.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Font style of the overlay text.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Text alignment of the overlay text.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Width of the overlay element in pixels.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Height of the overlay element in pixels.

Type: string

CSS Properties

Examples of overlay objects along with a preview of their appearance is as below:​

id: 1, // random number ID
type: "button", // string (enum) - button, banner, form
eventType: "", // event type for custom event handlers
eventName: "Buy Now", // custom event name
url: "", // link to redirect users to onclick
displayText: "Buy Now", // text to display
start: 0, // start time (in seconds) to start overlay display
end: 84.700001, // end time (in seconds) to stop overlay display
ctaType: "text" // string (enum)
useImage: false, // use image instead of html embed
imageWidth: "420px", // img width to display, only id useImage is true
imageHeight: "420px", // img height to display, only id useImage is true
imageBanner: "https://url/test.jpg", // img url to display, only id useImage is true
// CSS Properties below
top: 44,
left: 40,
width: 18.95,
height: 16.8,
color: "white",
bg: "var(--sxcPrimary)",
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: "normal",
fontStyle: "normal",
textAlign: "center",
widthpx: "101px",
heightpx: "50.4px",
id: 2,
type: "banner",
eventType: "",
top: 1.67,
left: 27.81,
autoDim: true,
width: 39.18,
height: 16.8,
displayText: "Banner Text Goes Here.",
eventName: "Banner Text Goes Here.",
url: "",
color: "#fff",
bg: "white",
start: 0,
end: 84.700001,
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: "normal",
fontStyle: "normal",
textAlign: "center",
ctaPosition: "inside",
widthpx: "208.812px",
heightpx: "50.4px",
useImage: false,
targetSame: false,
ctaType: "text"
Data Flow

Button Example -

id: 3,
type: "button",
start: 9,
end: 12,

top: 55.17,
left: 54.46,

autoDim: false,
width: 20,
height: 15,

displayText: "Visit Us",
url: "",

color: "black",
bg: "red",

Form Example -

id: 1,
start: 4,
formHeading: "Enter your details to get added access!",
fields: [
type: "text",
name: "fname",
placeholder: "First Name",
type: "text",
name: "lname",
placeholder: "Last Name",
type: "email",
name: "email",
placeholder: "Email",
type: "number",
name: "rating",
placeholder: "Rating",
bg: "white",
type: "form",
eventName: "Form",
skip: true,
onSubmit(obj) {