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Typically, integration with SX PlayerSDK and it's many lifecycle events happens entirely via callback functions that are defined within the Config object. These are divided into 3 objects, and 1 root element:

  • RootElement
  • customConfig
  • videoId
  • videoURL
  • type
  • playerID

All configuration options have defaults that use the StoryXpress domain.****

Config is generally an object in the following format:

const myAppearance = {...};
const myOverlays = {...};
const myTracks = {...};
const myBranding = {...};
const myShowCta = false;
const myAllowedDomainURL = ['', '', ...];
const myPlaybackRates = [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2];
const myOnSubmitPass = (data) => {...};

const myRootElement = document.getElementById("myRootButton");

const Config = {
RootElement: myRootElement,
customConfig: {
appearance: myAppearance,
overlays: myOverlays,
tracks: myTracks,
branding: myBranding,
showCta: myShowCta,
allowedDomainURL: myAllowedDomainURL,
playbackRates: myPlaybackRates,
onSubmitPass: myOnSubmitPass,
time: {
startTime: 7,
endTime: 11,
callbackevents: {
playerId: "asgard_default", // StoryXpress PlayerID
videoId : "video_id", // StoryXpress VideoID
// To playback a non-StoryXpress indexed video, use the following
videoURL : "",
type : "application/x-mpegURL"